LTI is incorporated in California, USA. It currently employs/contracts about 10 people. We have over 35 customers distributed worldwide. We excel in the quality of our customer support, reliability and technical superiority of our products.
LTI was founded in 1994 by Dr. Mehmet A. Cirit, who is the president and the principal developer of the tool set for the library synthesis. He has worked previously for Silicon Design Labs in Warren, New Jersey, Sierra Semiconductor in San Jose, California and Adaptec Inc. in Milpitas, California.
Dr. Cirit is well known among CAD specialists. He is the principal developer of LTIME and LSPICE products, marketed by Mentor Graphics for a while, and co-developer of a mixed analog-digital simulator marketed by Sierra Semiconductor. Dr. Cirit is the author of numerous publications in the CAD area.